The Largest Psychic Development Provider in the World

Your psychic ratings chart results

How to read your chart: The points of the inner star have been plotted onto the chart to reveal the extent of your abilities in each area. The score in each ability gives you an idea what best to pursue first and where you will have the greatest success

psychic test results Your personal chart and PsiQ rating

Psi Q test results - your score out of ten.

Clairvoyance/Remote Viewing

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Score: How to rate your points in brief

Telepathy   0-3 Poor   4-6 Good   7-10 Excellent  
Clairvoyance   0-3 Average   4-5 Good   6+ Exceptional  
Psychokinesis   0-5 Average   6-8 Good   9+ Amazing  
Precognition   0-3 Poor   4-7 Good   8-10 Excellent  
Mediumship   0-3 Poor   4-7 Very Good   8-10 Talented  

Detailed Psychic Test Report

This page only gives a brief guide of your psychic abilities. For a detailed personalised interpretation of your results please enter your contact information here and we will return the results direct to you free.

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Brief Interpretation of Your Results

Telepathy and Empathy
Communication directly from one person's mind to another without speech or other signs and understanding extrasensory perception, exploring your sixth sense. The ability to identify with and understand someone's feelings or difficulties.

Clairvoyance & Remote viewing
The ability to gain information about objects, people, or physical events through means beyond the five senses and the ability to get information about a distant or unseen target using extra sensory perception.

Psychokinesis and Psychometry
The ability to use mental powers to make objects move or to otherwise affect them and the ability to read information about another person's personal belongings by holding their items.

Means to get to know something before it happens, refering to the ability to see something before it physically occurs.

The ability to make a channel or means of communication or expression to someone outside normal areas. Making contact with those in the spirit world and relating messages.