The Largest Psychic Development Provider in the World

Moving Beyond the Ego Barrier


“I did it! I finally had the courage and saw it through. I never thought I could! It worked, I can’t believe it worked!” These are the words of a woman I have been recently talking to about the behaviour of her teenage daughter. This child had become so difficult her mother was desperate. I saw quite clearly the solution. It came to me so strongly and firmly, controversial but I knew from the deepest part of me it would work and the two of them could resolve and have a brilliant relationship. How did I know it was the right thing to say? How did I know it would resolve their difficulties?

Trusting your psychic ability

I have over the years learnt how to harness and manage the ego into its rightful place. Using it as the tool it was meant to be. When your ego works in harmony with you it is easy for you to link with and trust your intuition and psychic perceptions.

Understanding the ego

When developing psychic ability at some point or another people go through a period of time when an argument erupts between the inner ‘ego’ and ‘higher thinking’. The ego doesn’t like change; it is a creature of habit there to protect the physical existence of the human body. It is the part of you that knows stepping out in front of a moving bus means you get squashed. That’s its purpose; it is there to remind us to protect the physical. The all knowing part of you however, is aware it is eternal and forgets it must look after the vehicle it travels in this lifetime.

When the ego is out of control and too big for its boots it hinders the natural path of intuition, intuitive instinct and psychic ability. The ego self will deny the presence of intuition and rely heavily on logic, reason and emotional fears rather than embrace higher thinking automatically.

How do you tell the difference between ego and intuition?

Your intuition is relentless and cannot be budged from its position whereas the ego can be talked into and out of anything. An example would be: if your intuition told you to pursue a particular career, no human on earth could truly talk you out of that feeling. They may be able to talk you out of following that feeling but never out of recognising that feeling.

It is often difficult to recognise which parts of you operate from the ego self. In this case we will use ‘ego’ to loosely describe fear or fear based actions. Many of our fears operate without us fully participating or recognising what’s taking place.

When we start to develop our psychic skills it is more difficult for the ego to take control. This is why many people on the psychic path find it increasingly difficult to deny their truth. Finding it challenging to stay in situations or places that no longer suit, to tell someone they are being mean rather than ignore it. To suddenly change that job you’ve been meaning to do for the past five years. These are all signs you are getting a handle on the ego self and its control. It is starting to operate in the form it was meant to and begin to work in harmony rather than against the deep, never ending knowledge of your instinctual intuitive self.

Today the woman and her daughter are talking again. Both are equally respectful of the other. It took less than a week to fix. Previously she’d been trying for months even years. She did not have to sit down and read her daughter the riot act, she simply followed something scary and out of her everyday mind-set. She stepped outside of the ego…

Article ©2015

Heidi Sawyer BA (hons) is known for her clear, concise and direct approach to intuitive and psychic development. Her popular course material is used for TV research, featured on BBC radio, and sold in 55 countries. Heidi is the author of The Intelligent Guide to the Sixth Sense & How to Develop Your 7th Sense (Hay House). She is the course director for The Centre for Psychic Development, the largest Psychic Development provider in the world.